I have been a Reiki Master / Sensei since Nov. 2003. I have been involved in Reconnective Healing since April of 2004 when I was trained in Toronto by Dr. Eric Pearl, the author of “The Reconnection”. I attended another of Dr. Pearl’s seminars in Montreal in June of 2004 where I received training to do “The Personal Reconnection”. I have also just become a certified Relaxation Therapist and I am the co-founder of the website “www.sarahsspiritualguidance.com”. The following is a list of the services that I offer:
Is stress controlling your life? In this day and age it seems that stress is becoming more and more prevalent in our society. Some stress is normal but if you find that you have been moody or irritable, depressed, having recurring headaches, not wanting to leave home, avoiding family and friends, chronic pain, then excessive stress could be controlling your life. Some major stressors in our lives are divorce, school / college, work, death, children leaving home, finances, relationship breakups, jealousy, disease, to name a few. Sarah has a certificate in Relaxation Therapy and has learned many techniques to help alleviate stress in your life.
For more information, please contact Sarah at 865-0354 or via email at sarah@sarahsspiritualtreasures.com.
Reconnective Healing is a “hands-off” healing modality that utilizes new frequencies for the healing of mind, body and spirit. These frequencies reduce stress and introduce profound relaxation. It is considered to be able to reconnect us to our very essence not just through a new set of healing frequencies, but through possibly an entirely new bandwidth. The healing that you receive is that which the Universe deems that you require at that time. It could be anything from a peaceful feeling to a miraculous healing. All that is required of you is to relax and “expect nothing”.
Sessions usually run from 30-45 minutes and are priced at $50
Reiki is a “hands-on” healing modality that utilizes “Universal Life Energy” and generally deals with the seven chakra areas of the body. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through you and surrounds you. Reiki treats the whole person including the body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.
Sessions usually run from 30-45 minutes and are priced at $50
Instruction in Reiki Levels I, II & III available in class or individual format.
Call for details.
Originally the meridian (acupuncture) lines on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us to the entire universe. Over time we became disconnected from these lines. The Reconnection reconnects these lines and allows for an exchange of light and information. This enables us to standardize unique vibration levels and frequencies for healing and ultimately, for our evolution. These lines draw the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
Two-session, two day Personal Reconnection is priced at $333.
Note: 1-3 Reconnective Healing sessions may be required prior to a Personal
All-inclusive packages are available, inquire today.
"Some things are difficult to explain; miracles speak for themselves”
Dr. Eric Pearl
“People of the world will never live in peace until they have inner peace, the inevitable result of true forgiveness”
Gary Renard
“Remain childlike, everything amazes children”
Deepak Chopra
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